All weather

Gear up for Winter!… and Summer… and Autumn… and Spring.

You’re working outdoors all year around. No cozy, dry and warm office for you. You spend every day braving whatever the weather gods throw your way. Freezing temperatures, torrential rains, icy winds and snow in winter, an unforgiving heat and a blistering sun in summer, you’ve seen it all.

Reliable working gear is therefore no luxury; it’s a necessity. Our extensive weatherproof range covers every season and every kind of weather. From waterproof jackets and warm fleeces to breathable T-shirts with UV-protection and comfortable underwear. You’ll find here everything you need to adapt your wardrobe to the weather conditions all year long.

In some regions the weather can change fast so you need a versatile outfit that can be adapted to several conditions. As a Belgium based company we know all about fickle and changeable weather. And how to deal with it. We developed several versatile products and clothing systems (such as our interchangeable lining system) that can easily be adapted to the changing weather conditions.

Our weatherproof clothes are so comfortable and easy care you’ll get truly attached to them. And no need to worry you won’t have to part with them soon because they are unbelievably durable.